For next year, NaNoWriMo 2010: outline or plan ahead a little better... randomness is hurting my word count and use of my time. Know the project and be prepared for what it will bring out...
For the current project i.e. the one here on the blog.... Edit posting related to this work with a outline reference or something similar so cutting and pasting will be easier... Right now it is too disconnected even for me... I guess that is what happens when you use the blog as a notepad...
Character study for everyone is the story... make sure I know them... Interview them or something... (I know I have the forms here somewhere.)
Description, description , description... Most of the bits are lacking the descriptive qualities... Setting and timeline are weak right now and need some help... A outline would help, but since I wasn't 100% sure where this project was going I couldn't commit to an outline...
Plan ahead for ScriptFest (I think that what it is called... April 2010... 100pages of Script in 1 month..) hmmm what could I work on then...
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